PASQAL’s Quantum Discovery: A Gateway to Quantum Computing for Enterprises

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PASQAL, a prominent player in neutral atoms quantum computing, is breaking new ground with their platform “Quantum Discovery.” This platform will mark PASQAL’s further entry into the commercialized quantum computing arena, offering a practical route for businesses to explore quantum technology.

Quantum Discovery: A Quantum Computing Primer.  The program invites users to delve into the world of quantum computing, unravel its core principles, and uncover real-world applications. It also lets them explore the potential benefits for their businesses. With access to PASQAL’s quantum emulators and a 100-qubit quantum processing unit, users gain hands-on experience with a real quantum computer.

Collaborative Learning with Quantum Discovery.  “Quantum Discovery” is a cloud-based platform designed for team-based learning. Team members can independently complete three modules, covering the fundamentals of quantum computing, hands-on quantum algorithm interaction, and identifying practical use cases.

What Lies Beyond Quantum Discovery?  After the Quantum Discovery stage, enterprises have diverse paths to choose from. They can develop proof-of-concept projects, with support from PASQAL’s team of quantum programmers and test them on quantum processors. Alternatively, they can work with PASQAL to craft a personalized roadmap toward achieving quantum advantage, executed by a multidisciplinary team. This journey can culminate in the integration of quantum computing into business operations through API-accessible cloud-based solutions.

“Quantum Discovery” is set to launch on April 17th, with pre-registration available for early access.


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