Quantum Technology Platform Launched by Dutch Research Institute

ECP, TNO launch quantum technology platform in Netherlands

Key points…

+  ECP, the platform for the information society, has with Dutch research institute TNO launched a quantum technology platform. Target groups for the platform include the government, business sectors, research and educational institutions, and social parties. The quantum experts who have gathered on this platform want the government to set up a “national quantum technology information point.” They said this is necessary to prepare organisations and society for quantum technology. “This technology is groundbreaking and will have a huge impact on society,” said Daniel Frijters, chairman of the Quantum Technology ECP platform.

Due to its strong scientific position, the Netherlands has the potential to become the world’s quantum testing ground, according to Frijters.

+  The quantum technology platform comes with the publication of a document entitled “Exploration of quantum technology with a number of recommendations, in preparation for a joint future with quantum technology.” The ECP wants the publication to form the basis for a wider community and to connect parties over the coming years, with the aim of knowledge exchange and debate on quantum technology.

Source:  telecompaper.  telecompaper,  ECP, TNO launch quantum technology platform in Netherlands…

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