Cost Effective, Secure, Speedy Too, Chip-Based QKD Readied for Citywide Networks

Chip-Based Quantum Key Distribution Devices Improve Quantum-Secured Communication

Points to note…

+  Researchers demonstrated new chip-based devices that contain all the optical components necessary for quantum key distribution while increasing real-world security. The fast and cost-effective platform is poised to facilitate implementation of extremely secure data communication that can be used to protect everything from emails to online banking information.

“Chip-based devices significantly reduce the barrier for widespread uptake of quantum-secured communication by providing a robust, mass-manufacturable platform,” said research team leader Henry Semenenko from the University of Bristol, UK. “In the future, these devices will form part of a standard household connection to the internet that keeps our data secure regardless of advances in computing technology.”

+  Advances in computing technology will soon leave today’s methods for encrypting online data vulnerable to eavesdropping. Quantum key distribution offers impenetrable encryption by using the quantum properties of light to generate secure random keys between users for encrypting and decrypting their online data. Although quantum key distribution is compatible with most fiber-optic networks, more robust and less expensive devices are needed to carry out this encryption method outside the lab.

+  The new quantum key distribution devices are based on the same semiconductor technology found in every smartphone and computer. Instead of wires to guide electricity, they contain highly complex circuits that control the weak photonic signals of light necessary for quantum key distribution. Nanoscale components in the chips make it possible to drastically reduce the size and power consumption of quantum communication systems while maintaining high-speed performance vital for modern networks.

+  “With its densely packed optical components, our chip-based platform offers a level of precise control and complexity not achievable with alternatives,” said Semenenko. “It will allow users to access a secure network with a cost-effective device the same size as the routers we use today to access the internet.”

Source:  Sci Tech Daily.  THE OPTICAL SOCIETY,  Chip-Based Quantum Key Distribution Devices Improve Quantum-Secured Communication…

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