China’s Entangling Photons to Detect Stealth Aircraft

Go back two years to September, 2016, and China’s Electronics Technology Group Corporation’s 14th Institute announced completion of a quantum radar, albeit with a short range of 60 miles (100 km). A microwave beam is used to entangle photons with an optical “idler beam”. The microwave beam is sent from the radar, strikes the stealth target, and returns to the radar site. At the site, the microwave photons are compared with the idler beam photons. Hence, not using radio waves which stealth aircraft are designed to thwart, the photons are capable of providing the position of the stealth aircraft. From this, direction, speed, and other data may be gleaned. It is surmised the radar may be part of the sensor-suite to be carried aboard China’s sub-space airship, Yuanmeng (see image).

Yuanmeng, China’s giant sub-space airship. Quite possibly getting equipped with a quantum radar. (Image Credit: snkepu[.]com)
This report is found at POPULAR SCIENCE…

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