Quantum Technology and Strategic Policy: Critical Issues

Strategic policy informed with quantum information science and technologies is beginning to gain notice. Recent studies by D.C. think-tanks are identifying challenges to quantum initiatives. The Hudson Institute, a Washington D.C. think-tank, promotes strategic policy and national security. Through the Quantum Alliance Initiative, the Hudson Institute has identified these critical issues:

(1) Government’s role and composition of public-private partnerships;
(2) Allocation of federal funds;
(3) Workforce education and training;
(4) Speed of research-to-commerce;
(5) Developing quantum cybersecurity standards;
(6) Quantum cybersecurity and intellectual property inter-relatedness;
(7) Balancing classified and unclassified research
(8) Application of quantum computing with emerging technologies to include AI, 5G, blockchain, autonomous systems…

And the list is sure to grow. 

This report is found at the Hudson Institute…

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