Canada Makes Cuts to Quantum Computing Budget

Money changes everything.  And lack of it does the same.  In order to balance the federal budget of Canada, $11.7 billion must be cut.  Quantum computing was not spared, other disruptive technologies lost funding as well.  Qubit.

Excerpts and salient points ~

A list of cuts Ontario has made this year as it tries to balance the budget

Tech and research

About $52 million less was allocated this year for health policy and research. Funding was cancelled to all think tanks, two of which will have to close because of the decision. Funding to two artificial intelligence institutes was cut by $24 million. Funding of $5 million for stem cell research was cut. Funding was also cancelled to a scale-up voucher program of $9.7 million, a technology accelerators program of $9.5 million, college-based applied research projects worth $6.7 million, $5 million in funding to the Institute for Quantum Computing, $1.5 million in funding to the Lazaridis Institute, and $750,000 for bioindustrial innovation. More than $2 million was cut from Communitech and the Gambling Research Exchange of Ontario’s entire $2.5 million budget was cut.

Source:  The Canadian Press.  Allison Jones, A list of cuts Ontario has made this year as it tries to balance the budget…

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