Australia’s Defence Innovation Hub Priorities Include Quantum Computing

Australia’s Defence Innovation Hub Priorities Include Quantum Computing

Investment in future defence technologies supporting industry

In brief…

+  The Defence Materials Technology Centre (DMTC) will continue its work supporting industrial capability with a $3.8M (AUSD) contract with the Defence Innovation Hub.

“DMTC will build on its existing work in relation to technologies such as precision manufacturing, welding high-strength steel and adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies,” said Hodge.

+  The contract signed between DMTC and the Defence Innovation Hub is part of the $640m that the Defence Innovation Hub will spend until 2025-2026 to mature and further develop technologies. The current priorities for the Hub involve electronic warfare, land combat, amphibious warfare, and investigation into key enablers such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and energy management.

Source:  Manufacturers’ MONTHLY.  News,  Investment in future defence technologies supporting industry…

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