India’s Institute of Technology Guwahati to Study Quantum Mechanics at New Supercomputing Facility

India’s Institute of Technology Guwahati to Study Quantum Mechanics at New Supercomputing Facility

IIT Guwahati to get Supercomputing facility

Excerpts and salient points ~

+  The Technical Advisory Committee of National Supercomputing Mission (MSM-TAC) has approved the installation of a Supercomputing facility of the compute power of 650 TF at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam. A supercomputer is a computer that has very high speed in its operation and higher memory. This supercomputing system can perform assigned tasks including multiple tasks at very high speeds than any other normal personal computer (PC) and in many cases are able to operate at speeds that are millions of times faster than ordinary PCs.

The installation of this supercomputing system at IIT Guwahati has been initiated under the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM).

+  Speaking about the Supercomputing facility, Dr. T. G. Sitharam, Director, IIT Guwahati, said, “New Supercomputer at IIT Guwahati with 650 TFLOPS is more powerful and a technologically superior facility, which will play an important role in the field of scientific and engineering applications such as quantum mechanics, climate research, oil and gas exploration, molecular modelling, weather forecasting, spacecraft aerodynamics, computational systems biology and detonation simulations including the handling of large databases using Artificial intelligence models.”

Source:  The Hindu Business Line.  Mumbai Bureau,  IIT Guwahati to get Supercomputing facility…

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