The Shorts | 7/29/21 | Government and Policy in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of government and policy. Mea Cubitt

Government sets up £375m fund for ‘gamechanging’ UK tech firms | Fast-growing firms working on “gamechanging” technology, including in areas such as life sciences and clean energy, are being invited to apply for a slice of a £375m fund aimed at fostering innovation in the UK.  Source: The Guardian.   Government sets up £375m fund for ‘gamechanging’ UK tech firms…

Aliro wins USAF contracts to advance quantum network simulation development | Quantum networking platform company Aliro Quantum has won several US Air Force (USAF) contracts to advance the development of quantum network simulation and control technologies  Source: AIRFORCETECHNOLOGY.   Aliro wins USAF contracts to advance quantum network simulation development…

NRL Quantum Research Center Celebrates First Year of Research, Collaboration | Congress mandated in the fiscal year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act each of the armed forces in the Department of Defense designate a lead laboratory in quantum research. The Navy chose NRL in March 2020 because of its long standing track record of excellence in quantum science and technologies. NRL has been producing outstanding research results for the Navy and the Nation in areas ranging from basic science in understanding quantum entanglement of qubits to creating new algorithms for quantum computers.  Source: U.S. NAVAL RESEARCH LABATORY.   NRL Quantum Research Center Celebrates First Year of Research, Collaboration…

UK govt funding programme for high tech firms open for investor applications | Due to high research and development costs, breakthrough technology companies typically require more capital than other companies, to fuel the later stages of their growth. Because of their ability to grow rapidly and have a significant economic impact, the growth of these innovative companies is critical to the UK’s future prosperity and economic recovery.  Source: Finextra.   UK govt funding programme for high tech firms open for investor applications…

Crossing the Rubicon? The deepening of Japan and Taiwan’s relationship | When Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visited Washington in April, the U.S. and Japan made a clear-cut mention of “the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” and encouraged the “peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues.” In late May, the EU-Japan summit elicited a similar joint statement.  Source: the japan times.   Crossing the Rubicon? The deepening of Japan and Taiwan’s relationship…

New Innovation Strategy starts a conversation on how to make the UK a global hub for innovation by 2035 | The Government’s new Innovation Strategy identifies the challenges facing the UK’s innovation landscape before setting out four key pillars to drive a conversation aiming to boost the UK’s innovative capacity.  Source: techUK.   New Innovation Strategy starts a conversation on how to make the UK a global hub for innovation by 2035…

China’s Gambit for Total Information Dominance: A US-Australia Response | This report assesses China’s comprehensive approach to information power and its implications for the U.S.-Australia alliance. The purpose of the report is threefold: to enlarge alliance awareness of China’s whole-of-society information challenge; highlight critical responses to this challenge from Canberra and Washington; and deepen alliance thinking regarding strategy and policy.  Source: Hudson Institute.   China’s Gambit for Total Information Dominance: A US-Australia Response…

The Great haul of China: How Beijing’s biggest (and most secretive firm) is infiltrating every area of Britain | Liam Fox was beaming. The then international trade secretary was posing happily for the cameras, shaking hands warmly with Seng Yee Lau, executive vice-president of Tencent, and heralding another fruitful chapter of Sino-British relations.  Source: This is Money.   The Great haul of China: How Beijing’s biggest (and most secretive firm) is infiltrating every area of Britain…

DOE Announces $73 Million for Materials and Chemical Sciences Research to Advance Quantum Science and Technology | WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $73 million in funding to advance quantum information science (QIS) research to help scientists better understand the physical world and harness nature to benefit people and society. The 29 projects announced today will study the materials and chemical processes needed to develop the next generation of quantum smart devices and quantum computing technology— critical tools to solving the most pressing and complex challenges, from climate change to national security.  Source: ENERGY.GOV.   DOE Announces $73 Million for Materials and Chemical Sciences Research to Advance Quantum Science and Technology…

DOD to Modernize Intelligence Information Apparatus With ‘Back to Basics’ Approach | The Defense Department’s information technology capacity provides intelligence information to leaders and warfighters to give them a decision-making advantage.  Source: U.S. DEPT OF DEFENSE.   DOD to Modernize Intelligence Information Apparatus With ‘Back to Basics’ Approach…

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