The Shorts | 8/26/21 | Government and Policy in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of government and policy. Mea Cubitt

Abu Dhabi unboxes the Middle East’s first quantum supercomputer | Achieving a temperature 100 times colder than deep outer space is about to become possible in Abu Dhabi – and in August.  Source: The National (msn).   Abu Dhabi unboxes the Middle East’s first quantum supercomputer…

Rome Lab to benefit as AFRL is designated as a quantum information science research center | Rome Lab will secure funding as the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is now designated as the quantum information science (QIS) research center for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force.  Source: CNYBJ.   Rome Lab to benefit as AFRL is designated as a quantum information science research center…

New York lab designated as quantum research center for Air Force, Space Force | The Rome Air Force Research Lab was designated as the quantum information science research center for the U.S. Air Force and Space Force, Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand’s offices announced Tuesday in a joint statement.  Source: STARS AND STRIPES.   New York lab designated as quantum research center for Air Force, Space Force…

ColdQuanta Awarded DARPA Contract to Develop a Complete Rydberg Atom-Based RF Sensor System | ColdQuanta, the leader in Cold Atom Quantum Technology, in conjunction with BAE Systems, Teledyne Scientific and Imaging, and the University of Oklahoma, today announced they have collectively been awarded a contract under DARPA’s Quantum Apertures program to demonstrate a complete Rydberg atom-based Radio Frequency (RF) Sensor System. The program aims to demonstrate a system that can receive low intensity, modulated RF signals across a wide spectral range, develop sensor physics and technologies that scale to a fieldable arrayed sensor system, and achieve shot noise limited detection levels that exceed the fundamental limits of classical antennas. This contract is the latest in a series of awards secured by ColdQuanta from DARPA, with capabilities of the program being used by the U.S. Department of Defense for applications such as military communications, radar and electronic warfare.  Source: ColdQuanta (yahoo!finance).   ColdQuanta Awarded DARPA Contract to Develop a Complete Rydberg Atom-Based RF Sensor System…

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $61 Million to Advance Breakthroughs in Quantum Information Science | The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $61 million in funding for infrastructure and research projects to advance quantum information science (QIS). QIS is the science of the extremely small, where molecules, atoms, and light can defy traditional laws of physics. Advances in QIS can enable new forms of computing, simulation, communication, and sensing that can advance breakthroughs needed to combat the climate crisis and strengthen America’s competitiveness.   Source: ENERGY.GOV.   U.S. Department of Energy Announces $61 Million to Advance Breakthroughs in Quantum Information Science…

Rochester researchers join national initiative to advance quantum science | Todd Krauss, chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester, and his fellow researchers are joining a $73 million initiative, funded by the US Department of Energy, to advance quantum science and technology. Krauss’s project, “Understanding coherence in light‐matter interfaces for quantum science,” is one of 29 projects intended to help scientists better understand and to harness the “quantum world” in order to eventually benefit people and society.  Source: University of Rochester.   Rochester researchers join national initiative to advance quantum science…

How the Netherlands is leading the EU toward its tech future | Strategic investments in quantum computing, AI, innovative tech startups and sustainable technology, along with an historically strong background in science and innovation, are propelling the country to technology leadership in the region. But can it stay there?  Source: COMPUTER WORLD.   How the Netherlands is leading the EU toward its tech future…

The Modi government’s policies can make India the next Silicon Valley—or the next China | Prime minister Narendra Modi’s “Digital India” dream appears to be getting shackled to legislations that control and censor online activity. Since Modi came to power in 2014, he has enjoyed a massive following on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and invited foreign tech behemoths to invest in India. But these firms are constantly under scrutiny—especially when they become hubs of dissent around topics like farmer protests or Covid-19 mismanagement.  Source: QUARTZ INDIA.   The Modi government’s policies can make India the next Silicon Valley—or the next China…

A Quantum Challenge: Building a Skilled Workforce | There’s a lot of momentum building up around quantum computing. Big, established companies like IBM, Microsoft, Google and Honeywell are putting their vast resources behind the drive to reach true quantum computing and an array of smaller pure-play startups are rapidly cropping up around them, armed with expertise and a growing amount of funding.  Source: THE NEW STACK.   A Quantum Challenge: Building a Skilled Workforce…

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