The Shorts | 9/16/21 | Government and Policy in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of government and policy. Mea Cubitt

MSU awarded $20M grant for quantum technology development | With a $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation, Montana State University and the University of Arkansas will establish the MonArk Quantum Foundry to accelerate the development of quantum materials and devices. The foundry will assist those studying 2D materials for quantum technologies by creating tools to aid their research and infrastructure to facilitate the exchange of ideas across academia and industry.  Source: MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY.   MSU awarded $20M grant for quantum technology development…

IBM: Governments and enterprises need to migrate to quantum safe cryptography today | Investors and corporations are betting heavily on quantum computing as this industry is set to create up to $850 billion in annual value by 2040, according to a recent BCG report.  Source:   IBM: Governments and enterprises need to migrate to quantum safe cryptography today…

NSF announces Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes for biological sensing and quantum simulation | Expanding upon its 2020 establishment of three Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes, the U.S. National Science Foundation is now launching two additional institutes to advance quantum biological sensing and quantum simulation. As with last year’s cohort, NSF expects to support each institute with an investment of $25 million over its multi-year lifecycle.  Source: National Science Foundation.   NSF announces Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes for biological sensing and quantum simulation…

With $55M third fund, Scout Ventures is funding veterans ready to tackle the hardest technical challenges | When it comes to people pushing the frontiers of science, few institutions can match the talent of the Department of Defense, the intelligence agencies and the U.S. national laboratory system. With ample budgets and flexible oversight under that aura of national security, ambitious scientists and engineers are working on everything from quantum computing to next-generation satellites.  Source: yahoo!life.   With $55M third fund, Scout Ventures is funding veterans ready to tackle the hardest technical challenges…

U.S. Department of Energy Announces $61 Million to Advance Breakthroughs in Quantum Information Science | The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $61 million in funding for infrastructure and research projects to advance quantum information science (QIS). QIS is the science of the extremely small, where molecules, atoms, and light can defy traditional laws of physics. Advances in QIS can enable new forms of computing, simulation, communication, and sensing that can advance breakthroughs needed to combat the climate crisis and strengthen America’s competitiveness.   Source: Brookhaven National Labatory.   U.S. Department of Energy Announces $61 Million to Advance Breakthroughs in Quantum Information Science…

Demystifying Australia’s quantum potential | In the early 1990s, Australia’s quantum physics industry started, in part, when Robert Clark joined UNSW and founded the National Magnet Laboratory and Semiconductor Nanofabrication Facility.  Source: INFOMATIONAGE.   Demystifying Australia’s quantum potential…

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