The Shorts | 11/25/21 | Government and Policy in Quantum Computing

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of government and policy. Mea Cubitt

On the Path to Exascale, Q-Exa Consortium Tightens the Bonds Between Quantum Computers and Traditional Supercomputing | During a press conference on November 15, 2021, German Federal Minister for Education and Research Anja Karliczek announced the beginning of the Q-Exa consortium, an ambitious project aimed at accelerating European quantum computing technologies with the assistance of traditional high-performance computing (HPC).  Source: GCS.   On the Path to Exascale, Q-Exa Consortium Tightens the Bonds Between Quantum Computers and Traditional Supercomputing…

Report: Without Bold R&D Investments, United States Risks Losing Position as one of the World’s Top Innovators | As detailed in the report—the latest in a series of Solutions Briefs on Sustaining Capitalism—the changing national and global research landscape is adversely affecting the US’ overall ability to develop new science and technology. Since 1980, what has been steadily declining is government funding of basic, foundational research—like that which inspired major breakthroughs such as the internet, messenger-RNA vaccines, and the Human Genome Project. For the first time since 2013, the US is no longer included among the top-10 most innovative countries. What’s more, American students in secondary schools rank 18th in science and 37th in math, compared to their international peers; meanwhile, China ranks first in both.  Source: MARKETS INSIDER.   Report: Without Bold R&D Investments, United States Risks Losing Position as one of the World’s Top Innovators…

European Commission allots €2B of funding for AI, quantum, digital skills | The European Commission has adopted a Digital Europe Programme and allotted it €1.98 billion (US$2.25 billion) of funding as part of the Europe’s Digital Decade initiative. The funding is split into three programs, which in turn spread across the overall objectives.  Source: BIOMETRICUPDATE.COM.   European Commission allots €2B of funding for AI, quantum, digital skills…

IQM’s Q-Exa Consortium Selected to Integrate German Quantum Computer Into HPC Supercomputer for the First Time | IQM Quantum Computers has been selected to provide a quantum computing system that will be integrated into an HPC supercomputer to create an accelerator for future scientific research. The delivery is part of a €45.3 million consortium project. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with €40.1 million.  Source: iTWeb.   IQM’s Q-Exa Consortium Selected to Integrate German Quantum Computer Into HPC Supercomputer for the First Time…

IIT Delhi and IIIT Delhi To Set Up India’s First Medical Cobotics Centre | I-Hub Foundation for Cobotics (IHFC), the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) and iHub Anubhuti, the TIH of Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIITD), recently signed an MoU to set up India’s first Medical Cobotics Centre (MCC) at IIIT-Delhi.  Source: AIM.   IIT Delhi and IIIT Delhi To Set Up India’s First Medical Cobotics Centre…

What Europe can learn from France when it comes to quantum computing | Quantum is one segment of deeptech where the French are leaving the rest of Europe, and in fact most other nations, far behind. The ambition to set up a quantum hub in the Paris region, linking large corporations and startups, is truly impressive and far-reaching.  Source: \   What Europe can learn from France when it comes to quantum computing…

BECOMING A QUANTUM COMPANY | Quantum technologies are full of promise and potential. These technologies also bring their own challenges. Governments and businesses must start taking decisive action to manage the quantum changes as the second quantum revolution unfolds. Not doing so carries the risk of being left behind, and experience from other revolutions (like for example, artificial intelligence) shows that this is not a favorable position to be in. Organizations without an AI mindset failed to execute on AI projects. Thus, organizations need a change management approach unique to quantum.  Source: Quantum Strategy Institute (QSI).   BECOMING A QUANTUM COMPANY…

Australia ramps up quantum computing focus with $70 million commercialisation hub | The Morrison Government’s increased focus on technology took another step up today with $111 million allocated to quantum technologies.  Source: startupdaily.   Australia ramps up quantum computing focus with $70 million commercialisation hub…

New investment in Australia’s quantum technology industry | It is also funding a National Quantum Strategy to outline Australia’s vision for the quantum industry. Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley will guide the strategy as chair of the National Committee on Quantum. Committee members will include industry and academic experts.  Source: Australian Government.   New investment in Australia’s quantum technology industry…

Gov unveils principles to help secure critical technology supply chains | The federal government has unveiled a final set of regulatory principles aimed at helping businesses secure the supply chains of critical technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing.  Source: itnews.   Gov unveils principles to help secure critical technology supply chains…

The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) becomes a Research and Solution Partner of aQuantum | TNO, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) becomes a “Research Partner” and a “Solution Partner” of the aQuantum Partner Network (aQNetwork).  Source: aQuantum.   The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) becomes a Research and Solution Partner of aQuantum…

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