Cold-Atom Research Supports Elements of Quantum Computing.

The People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), located in Moscow, engaged scientists from the University of Hamburg to study quantum properties.  Their study encompassed super-cooled atoms and ion systems at nearly absolute zero.  The extreme temperature is needed to slow the quantum physical processes to such a point the processes may be measured; in this experiment the atoms were considered “trapped.”  The team “developed a mathematical method reducing multi-dimensional calculations to a system of one-dimensional equations to…describe atomic systems with different parameters (intensity of effective interparticle interaction, initial state population, and particle energy).” “The developed algorithm provides for the calculation of collisions of atoms and ions to each other and the trap.”  This hybrid atom-ion trap is seen as providing support to modelling the elements of quantum computers.  Read the full reference at…

“Atoms in a trap.”  (Image Credit: RUDN University)

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