Israeli researchers have demonstrated quantum metamaterials are employable in quantum information systems.  The team from Haifa, Israel, believes the metamaterials will see wide-ranging uses in future quantum computers.  Through research, the team has derived new concepts such as use of metasurfaces for entangling photons with differing frequencies and orbital angular momenta.

“Illustrative depiction of the single photon entanglement.  A single photon in vertical linear polarization is arriving from the left, as illustrated by the yellow electric field amplitude.  This photon carries zero orbital angular momentum, as illustrated by the yellow flat phase fronts.  The single photon passes through the metasurface comprising dielectric nano-antennae (purple), and exists as a quantum entangled state, depicted as a superposition of the red and blue electric field amplitudes and with the corresponding vortex phase fronts opposite to one another.  (Stav, T., Faerman, A., Maguid, E., Oren, D., Kleiner, V., Hasman, E., & Segev, M. (2018). Quantum metamaterials: entanglement of spin and orbital angular momentum of a single photon.)”

This report is found here at Cornell University Library [PDF]…