The Qutrit Report? Using Aristotle’s Logic to Take Computing Beyond Qubits

The Qutrit Report? Using Aristotle’s Logic to Take Computing Beyond Qubits

Scientists develop platform for building nanoelectronics and quantum processors

In brief…

+  Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Vladivostok, Russia) together with colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing) have designed a platinum-cobalt-magnesium oxide microstructure coated by platinum that is capable of operating in three-valued logic mode (true/false/don’t know). It paves the way for building new electronic and spintronic devices, qutrit quantum processors (three positions instead of two of qubits), and neuromorphic systems imitating human brain activity.

“Due to a certain sequence of layers and switching of the electron spins in the lower platinum layer, we are able to effectively control three magnetic states in the cobalt layer. These states correspond to of the three-valued logic modes which are -1, 1 and 0 or true, false, don’t know, in the terms of regular language. Three-valued logic (Aristotle’s logic) is far superior to binary, Boolean logic (0/1). Its principles set the foundation for intelligent computers in the near future. These new devices will have a higher performance, longer life span, and lower energy consumption compared to devices built upon other principles,” said Alexander Samardak, project manager from the Russian side, associate professor of computer systems at the FEFU School of Natural Sciences.

+  Contemporary computer processors consume a lot of energy, represent different compartments with memory cells, and their efficacy is limited by two-valued logic (true/false). These three obstacles curb further development of computer devices on the way to miniaturization and fast performance.

+  The structure can be a single platform performing simultaneously as a processor and a memory chip. This feature can contribute to the miniaturization of devices implemented on the platform. It could be applied in electronic and spintronic devices operating on the three-valued logic, including qutrit quantum processors (three-level system instead of two-level qubits), and neuromorphic systems that mimic the functionality of the human brain.

Read More at PHYS.ORG…

Source:  PHYS.ORG.  Alex Zverev,  Scientists develop platform for building nanoelectronics and quantum processors…

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