No Matter the Age, Learning is Always Possible, Even When the Subject is Quantum Entanglement

Albert Einstein believed life is a continuous process of learning; from beginning to end. He did not state quantum mechanics, theory, or physics were excluded. Part of why this site was started was an intellectual curiosity as to the underlayment of the physical world. Recommend reading this piece from the source. It is encouraging to see age knows no bounds when learning; quantum entanglement included. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit.

Going back to school — at 74 — to pick up where Einstein left off

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+  In 2009, Holdeman encountered a Scientific American article that included comments on quantum entanglement, and he said to himself, “There has to be a better way.”

+  Three years later after retirement, Holdeman signed up to audit his first quantum mechanics class on the Twin Cities campus to go further on this complicated physics issue. Eight years later, he is still trying to solve it.

Seventy-four-year-old Ken Holdeman is currently attending the University of Minnesota for one primary purpose — to immerse himself in quantum entanglement, a physics concept that has intrigued him for years.

+  Quantum entanglement is credited to a 1935 paper co-authored by Albert Einstein and colleagues that is popularly referred to as the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox. The thought experiment involves particles interacting physically and when the properties of one, such as its polarization, are measured, the other’s properties can be predicted.

+  It is rare to find a student like Holdeman who maintains an interest in the content of the course after the course is over, Kersten said…  Holdeman plans to share what he has discovered about quantum entanglement so far with arXiv, an open-access archive.

Source:  MINNESOTA DAILY.  Jiang Li,  Going back to school — at 74 — to pick up where Einstein left off…

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