Replacing Quantum Mechanics, the Many Worlds Interpretation, and Much More to Ponder

Replacing Quantum Mechanics, the Many Worlds Interpretation, and Much More to Ponder

An atypical work though one which is worth digesting. Doing so will keep your imagination active when considering the quantum unknown. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit

This Twist on Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox Has Major Implications for Quantum Theory

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+  Renato Renner, a quantum physicist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), makes an even stronger claim: regardless of whether future experiments can be carried out, he says, the new theorem tells us that quantum mechanics needs to be replaced.

+  In 2018 Renner and his colleague Daniela Frauchiger, then at ETH Zurich, published a thought experiment based on Wigner’s friend and used it to derive a new paradox. Their setup differs from that of the Brisbane team but also involves four observers whose measurements can become entangled. Renner and Frauchiger calculated that if the observers apply quantum laws to one another, they can end up inferring different results in the same experiment.

“If you think quantum mechanics is unhealthy, and it needs replacing, then this is useful because it tells you new constraints,” Vaidman says. “But I don’t agree that this is the case—many worlds explains everything.”

+  “The new paper is another confirmation that we have a problem with current quantum theory,” says Renner, who was not involved in the work. He argues that none of today’s quantum interpretations can worm their way out of the so-called Frauchiger-Renner paradox without proponents admitting they do not care whether quantum theory gives consistent results.

+  QBists offer the most palatable means of escape, because from the outset, they say that quantum theory cannot be used to infer what other observers will measure, Renner says. “It still worries me, though: If everything is just personal to me, how can I say anything relevant to you?” he adds. Renner is now working on a new theory that provides a set of mathematical rules that would allow one observer to work out what another should see in a quantum experiment.

Source:  Scientific American.  Zeeya Merali ,  This Twist on Schrödinger’s Cat Paradox Has Major Implications for Quantum Theory…

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