The Shorts | 10/8/21 | Science and Research in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of science and research. Mea Cubitt

Zapata Computing Publishes New Research on Ground State Properties Estimation for Computing Chemical and Materials Properties | Zapata Computing, Inc., a leading enterprise software company for quantum solutions, today announced new research on ground state property estimation (GSPE) with major implications for the chemical and materials industries. In a just-published paper, “Computing Ground State Properties with Early Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers,” Zapata researchers demonstrated how early fault-tolerant quantum computers (FTQCs) could be used to compute chemical and materials properties to an extent not currently possible with even the most powerful classical computing resources.  Source: yahoo!finance.   Zapata Computing Publishes New Research on Ground State Properties Estimation for Computing Chemical and Materials Properties…

Researchers Find That Learning Can Be Mimicked in Synthetic Matter | Researchers at Rutgers University have found that learning can be mimicked in synthetic matter. Learning is a key feature of intelligence, and the new finding could have big implications for algorithm development in artificial intelligence (AI).  Source: UNITE.AI.   Researchers Find That Learning Can Be Mimicked in Synthetic Matter…

Correlated electrons ‘tango’ in a perovskite oxide at the extreme quantum limit | A team led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found a rare quantum material in which electrons move in coordinated ways, essentially “dancing.” Straining the material creates an electronic band structure that sets the stage for exotic, more tightly correlated behavior—akin to tangoing—among Dirac electrons, which are especially mobile electric charge carriers that may someday enable faster transistors. The results are published in the journal Science Advances.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   Correlated electrons ‘tango’ in a perovskite oxide at the extreme quantum limit…

Connecting the dots between material properties and qubit performance | Engineers and materials scientists studying superconducting quantum information bits (qubits) — a leading quantum computing material platform based on the frictionless flow of paired electrons — have collected clues hinting at the microscopic sources of qubit information loss. This loss is one of the major obstacles in realizing quantum computers capable of stringing together millions of qubits to run demanding computations.  Source: Science Daily.   Connecting the dots between material properties and qubit performance…

Connecting the Dots Between Material Properties and Superconducting Qubit Performance | Scientists performed transmission electron microscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) at Brookhaven Lab’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials and National Synchrotron Light Source II to characterize the properties of niobium thin films made into superconducting qubit devices at Princeton University. A transmission electron microscope image of one of these films is shown in the background; overlaid on this image are XPS spectra (colored lines representing the relative concentrations of niobium metal and various niobium oxides as a function of film depth) and an illustration of a qubit device. Through these and other microscopy and spectroscopy studies, the team identified atomic-scale structural and surface chemistry defects that may be causing loss of quantum information—a hurdle to enabling practical quantum computers. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory  Source: SciTechDaily.   Connecting the Dots Between Material Properties and Superconducting Qubit Performance…

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