Quantum Computing Driving Need for Measurement Devices

Quantum Computing Driving Need for Measurement Devices

Probe Expertise For Cryogenic Devices

Key Points…

+  The promise of quantum computing to solve complex problems far beyond today’s supercomputer capabilities, plus the emergence of high performance image sensors for security, military, and health care use, and other emerging applications are driving the need for test and measurement tools that can operate in extreme low temperatures (below about -150°C down to a few degrees above absolute zero).

High performance image sensors and quantum computing are driving the need for test and measurement tools that can operate in extreme low temperatures.

+  Zero-resistance superconductors and Josephson junction logic for computing applications operating at these low temperatures can show extraordinary gains in speed and improved power efficiency over traditional CMOS technologies.

+  This important benefit addresses the ever-increasing demand for computing power and data storage evidenced by a growing number of server farms and their appetite for electrical power. New cryogenically cooled imaging technologies improve public health and safety, and expand our scientific understanding of the universe.

Source:  SEMICONDUCTOR ENGINEERING.  Thomas Funke,  Probe Expertise For Cryogenic Devices…

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