The Shorts | 6/16/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard

DLR opens the In­sti­tute of Quan­tum Tech­nolo­gies in Ulm |   Source: German Aerospace Center (DLR). Andreas Schütz  DLR opens the In­sti­tute of Quan­tum Tech­nolo­gies in Ulm…

Converting quantum promises into commercial realities | According to speakers at the inaugural Quantum West conference, the transition from lab-based R&D towards market-ready solutions is already under way. While the headline-grabbing applications of quantum computing and the quantum Internet remain a longer-term bet, prototypes and products are already appearing in other areas of quantum technologies. One example is atomic clocks. Originally developed by the research community to provide more precise timing standards, the focus is now on re-engineering compact versions for use in high-speed mobile communications, synchronizing financial transactions, and other situations where accurate and resilient timekeeping offers a business advantage.  Source: physicsworld.  Converting quantum promises into commercial realities…

Quantum computers, here but not here – what businesses need to know | IBM and Amazon are already delivering on quantum computing. It’s here, more so than fusion, directed energy weapons, and the always 5 years in the future technology.   Source: CLINICAL TRIALS ARENA.  Quantum computers, here but not here – what businesses need to know…

University of Edinburgh taps Atos for new University of Edinburgh taps Atos for new supercomputer |   Source: DCD News.  University of Edinburgh taps Atos for new University of Edinburgh taps Atos for new supercomputer…

Researchers tame silicon to interact with light for next-generation microelectronics | Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from RAS Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, ITMO University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute have found a way to increase photoluminescence in silicon, the notoriously poor emitter and absorber of photons at the heart of all modern electronics. This discovery may pave the way to photonic integrated circuits, boosting their performance.  Source: nanowerk.  Researchers tame silicon to interact with light for next-generation microelectronics…

Determined to Build a Manufacturable Quantum Computer? Look to Silicon | CEA-Leti, a respected research institute for electronics and information technologies based in Grenoble, France, recently hosted a virtual review of the current state of silicon-based quantum development. The briefing also provided a look ahead at the next steps and strategies in quantum computing. Below is a recording of that briefing, moderated by Sarah-Lyle Dampoux.  Source: DesignNews.  Determined to Build a Manufacturable Quantum Computer? Look to Silicon…

Palaiseau-based atomic-level quantum processor builder Pasqal raises €25 million in Series A round |   Source:  Palaiseau-based atomic-level quantum processor builder Pasqal raises €25 million in Series A round…

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