The Shorts | 7/13/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard

The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt 

French researchers on the verge of quantum computing milestone | Researchers at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in Grenoble are confident of reaching a key milestone at the end of this year in their quest to build a quantum computer.  Source: rfi.   French researchers on the verge of quantum computing milestone…

What Will it Take to Make a Successful Quantum Computing Platform? Two Things | Quantum computing is the future. But it needs a combination of two main elements to succeed.  Source: DesignNews.   What Will it Take to Make a Successful Quantum Computing Platform? Two Things…

Prasaga and Quantum Generation Have Partnered, Bringing Sharding to Space-Based Communications | “The new applications that become possible with this collaboration align with our shared mission to build new economy, sovereignty and communication solutions without boundaries,” said Larry Castro, Quantum Generation CEO. He continued:  Source: JCNNEWSWIRE.   Prasaga and Quantum Generation Have Partnered, Bringing Sharding to Space-Based Communications…

UK startup begins offering Quantum Computing-as-a-Service | The UK startup, out of the University of Oxford, says its Coaxmon technology uses three-dimensional architecture, rather than 2D circuits, that simplifies fabrication and improves coherence of quantum systems, which it claims boosts scalability. The company said its QCaaS platform will be available through a private cloud, where it will be used by partners and customers to “further experiment with quantum.”  Source: datacenterdynamics.   UK startup begins offering Quantum Computing-as-a-Service…

5 years until enterprise quantum, but your prep begins now | Quantum computing technology is advancing rapidly and is on track to solve extraordinarily complex business problems through enhanced optimization, machine learning, and simulation. Make no mistake, the technology promises to be one of the most disruptive of all time. In fact, I believe quantum computing will hand a significant competitive advantage to the companies that can successfully leverage its potential to transform their business and their industries.  Source: VentureBeat.   5 years until enterprise quantum, but your prep begins now…

From Scalpels to Qubits: The Story of the World’s First Post Quantum Block Chain | Peter realized that a powerful-enough quantum computer could conceivably undermine the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) used in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Once achieved, an attacker could reconstitute a user’s private key from their public key and access their private funds.   Source: BENZINGA. John Potter  From Scalpels to Qubits: The Story of the World’s First Post Quantum Block Chain…

UCL’s quantum measurement tools help developers reach milestone |   Source: UCL Quantum Science and Technology Institute. UCL Quantum Science and Technology Institute  UCL’s quantum measurement tools help developers reach milestone…

Probabilistic Computers: A New Type of Computing | Much easier to build and operate, probabilistic computers are expected to begin solving complex problems decades before quantum computing can.  Source: EdTech.   Probabilistic Computers: A New Type of Computing…

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