The Shorts | 10/27/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard
The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt 

Toshiba Shrinks Quantum Key Distribution Technology to a Semiconductor Chip | Toshiba Europe Ltd today announced it has developed the world’s first chip-based quantum key distribution (QKD) system. This advance will enable the mass manufacture of quantum security technology, bringing its application to a much wider range of scenarios including to Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.  Source: TOSHIBA.   Toshiba Shrinks Quantum Key Distribution Technology to a Semiconductor Chip…

Quantum Loophole: Hyperscalers Want Bigger Campuses for Long-Term Growth | The data center campuses of the future will be bigger. A lot bigger, if you ask Josh Snowhorn, who is creating a “data center city” in Maryland.   Source: DATA CENTER Frontier.   Quantum Loophole: Hyperscalers Want Bigger Campuses for Long-Term Growth…

Power/Performance Bits: Oct. 19 | Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) designed and had fabricated an ASIC to run new encryption algorithms that can stand up to quantum computing.   Source: SEMICONDUCTOREngineering.   Power/Performance Bits: Oct. 19…

New photonic chip for isolating light may be key to miniaturizing quantum devices | Light offers an irreplaceable way to interact with our universe. It can travel across galactic distances and collide with our atmosphere, creating a shower of particles that tell a story of past astronomical events. Here on earth, controlling light lets us send data from one side of the planet to the other.  Source: Illinois Quantum Information Science and Technology Center.   New photonic chip for isolating light may be key to miniaturizing quantum devices…

New photonic chip for isolating light may be key to miniaturizing quantum devices | Given its broad utility, it’s no surprise that light plays a critical role in enabling 21st century quantum information applications. For example, scientists use laser light to precisely control atoms, turning them into ultra-sensitive measures of time, acceleration, and even gravity. Currently, such early quantum technology is limited by size — state-of-the-art systems would not fit on a dining room table, let alone a chip. For practical use, scientists and engineers need to miniaturize quantum devices, which requires re-thinking certain components for harnessing light.  Source: ScienceDaily.   New photonic chip for isolating light may be key to miniaturizing quantum devices…

Cutting through the noise: AI enables high-fidelity quantum computing | Researchers led by the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (SANKEN) at Osaka University have trained a deep neural network to correctly determine the output state of quantum bits, despite environmental noise. The team’s novel approach may allow quantum computers to become much more widely used.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   Cutting through the noise: AI enables high-fidelity quantum computing…

Cutting through the noise: AI enables high-fidelity quantum computing | Researchers led by the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (SANKEN) at Osaka University have trained a deep neural network to correctly determine the output state of quantum bits, despite environmental noise. The team’s novel approach may allow quantum computers to become much more widely used.  Source: EurekAlert!.   Cutting through the noise: AI enables high-fidelity quantum computing…

Center for optoelectronic, quantum technologies | The National Science Foundation (NSF) announced it will fund a new endeavor to bring atomic-level precision to the devices and technologies that underpin much of modern life, and will transform fields like information technology (IT). The five-year, $25 million Science and Technology Center grant will found the Center for Integration of Modern Optoelectronic Materials on Demand — or IMOD — a collaboration of scientists and engineers at 11 universities led by the University of Washington.  Source: CONTROL ENGINEERING.   Center for optoelectronic, quantum technologies…

‘Nigeria is 97% ready for full implementation of 5G plan’- Danbatta | The Vice Chairman said this in the course of his presentation in Lagos on Thursday during the annual African Tech Alliance Forum (AFRITECH) 2021. The title of his presentation was “NCC as a Digital Transformation Crusader and Nigeria’s in-Road to 5G Deployment”  Source: Technext.   ‘Nigeria is 97% ready for full implementation of 5G plan’- Danbatta…

TU Delft researchers realize quantum teleportation onto mechanical motion of silicon seams | Quantum technology typically employs qubits (quantum bits) consisting of, for example, single electrons, photons, or atoms. A group of TU Delft researchers has now demonstrated the ability to teleport an arbitrary qubit state from a single photon onto an optomechanical device – consisting of a mechanical structure comprising billions of atoms. Their breakthrough research, now published in Nature Photonics, enables real-world applications such as quantum internet repeater nodes while also allowing quantum mechanics itself to be studied in new ways.  Source: TU Delft.   TU Delft researchers realize quantum teleportation onto mechanical motion of silicon seams..

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