The Shorts | 11/3/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard
The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt

Will quantum computing save the planet? | Microsoft sees a solution to solve the problem of global warming: rely on quantum supercomputers to industrialize the direct capture of CO2 in the air and its conversion on the fly into fuel.  Source: New in-24.   Will quantum computing save the planet?

Thwarting Counterfeiting with Programmable Hardware | Susan Fullerton, Ke Xu, and their colleague, Eric Beckman, recently received a $553,482 NSF grant for their project titled “Ion-Locked Polymorphic Electronics for Hardware Security.”   Source: PITTSBURGH QUANTUM INSTITUTE.   Thwarting Counterfeiting with Programmable Hardware…

The quantum computer that uses light evolves – Technologies | The quantum computer that in February 2021 had earned China the primacy in this field evolves: it is called Jiuzhang 2.0 and, like its predecessor, uses particles of light (photons) to process data. The first example used 76, this new model 113. Its computing power is therefore billions of times higher than that of a conventional supercomputer. The research that made it possible is published in the journal Physical Review Letters and was coordinated by physicist Pan Jianwei, of the Chinese University of Science and Technology (Ustc).  Source: ITALY 24 NEWS.   The quantum computer that uses light evolves – Technologies…

Quantum computing: A step towards the future | The term quantum computers always have some sort of mystery around it, thanks to all those science fiction and novels! Nevertheless, we are living in a relatively sophisticated era where technological innovation is shaping up humanity. Commercialization of quantum computers is happening and tech enthusiasts couldn’t be more excited!  Source: Way2Smile Solutions.   Quantum computing: A step towards the future…

Quantum Leap for Quantum Primacy | Two experimental quantum computers tackle the most complex problems yet, suggesting an end to the debate on whether quantum “primacy”—the point at which a quantum computer outperforms the best possible classical computer—can be reached.  Source: APS physics.   Quantum Leap for Quantum Primacy…

Commercial and Military Applications and Timelines for Quantum Technology | This report provides an overview of the current state of quantum technology and its potential commercial and military applications. The author discusses each of the three major categories of quantum technology: quantum sensing, quantum communication, and quantum computing. He also considers the likely commercial outlook over the next few years, the major international players, and the potential national security implications of these emerging technologies. This report is based on a survey of the available academic literature, news reporting, and government-issued position papers.   Source: RAND CORPORATION.   Commercial and Military Applications and Timelines for Quantum Technology…

City Tech Research Team’s Quantum Technology Patent Could Revolutionize Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity | A City Tech professor and his then-undergraduate research partner have been granted a patent that may revolutionize quantum technology and cybersecurity. Their work has the potential to provide the missing part of the ultimate quantum technology: coupling of existing internet/data transfer telecom lines with quantum encryption/computing hardware.  Source: City Tech (CUNY).   City Tech Research Team’s Quantum Technology Patent Could Revolutionize Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity…

China’s New Quantum Computer Has 1 Million Times the Power of Google’s | It appears a quantum computer rivalry is growing between the U.S. and China. Physicists in China claim they’ve constructed two quantum computers with performance speeds that outrival competitors in the U.S., debuting a superconducting machine, in addition to an even speedier one that uses light photons to obtain unprecedented results, according to a recent study published in the peer-reviewed journals Physical Review Letters and Science Bulletin.  Source: INTERESTING ENGINEERING.   China’s New Quantum Computer Has 1 Million Times the Power of Google’s…

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