The Shorts | 12/1/21 | Technology and Hardware in Quantum Computing

Einstein. Courtesy: Thomas Leuthard
The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of recent articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of technology and hardware. Mea Cubitt

TU Delft creates one of the world’s most precise microchip sensors – thanks to a spiderweb | A team of researchers from TU Delft managed to design one of the world’s most precise microchip sensors; the device can function at room temperature – a ‘holy grail’ for quantum technologies and sensing. Combining nanotechnology and machine learning inspired by nature’s spiderwebs, they were able to make a nanomechanical sensor vibrate in extreme isolation from everyday noise. This breakthrough, published in Advanced Materials’ Rising Stars Issue, has large implications for the study of gravity and dark matter, as well as the fields of quantum internet, navigation and sensing.   Source: EurekAlert!.   TU Delft creates one of the world’s most precise microchip sensors – thanks to a spiderweb…

Silicon Photonic Chip Increases Quantum Security | Researchers from Nanjing University and Sun Yat-sen University developed a quantum communications platform based on a silicon photonic chip with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD). The chip’s performance enabled the team to realize optimal time-bin Bell-state measurement, and to significantly enhance the key rate in quantum communication.  Source: PHOTONICS MEDIA.   Silicon Photonic Chip Increases Quantum Security…

Secretum: A Next-Generation NFT Trading Platform | The proliferation of NFT gaming is adding more fuel to the fire – Axie Infinity, one of the most popular NFT metaverses, is on track to generate $2.7 billion in 2021, almost only from sales of character and in-game NFTs.  Source: beincrypto.   Secretum: A Next-Generation NFT Trading Platform…

Quantum brain sensors could spot dementia after Hub researchers at the University of Sussex find they track brain waves | New highly sensitive quantum sensors for the brain may in the future be able to identify brain diseases such as dementia, ALS and Parkinsons, by spotting a slowing in the speed at which signals travel across the brain. The research findings from a paper led by University of Sussex quantum physicists are published in Scientific Reports journal.  Source:   Quantum brain sensors could spot dementia after Hub researchers at the University of Sussex find they track brain waves…

Photonic chip that isolates light could end size limitations in quantum computing and devices | Researchers at the University of Illinois used readily available materials to create a small photonic circuit that uses sound waves to isolate and control light and can adapt to different wavelengths. The innovation could lead to miniaturized quantum devices that transform quantum computing and information systems.  Source: National Science Foundation.   Photonic chip that isolates light could end size limitations in quantum computing and devices…

New quantum microscope enhances sensitivity avoiding photodamage | A team of researchers from ICFO, Politecnico di Milano, Micro Photon Devices, Fraunhofer IOF, partners of the Q-MIC project, report on the scientific achievements of a novel quantum-enhanced microscope.  Source: ICFO.   New quantum microscope enhances sensitivity avoiding photodamage…

New device modulates visible light—without dimming it—with the smallest footprint and lowest power consumption | Over the past several decades, researchers have moved from using electric currents to manipulating light waves in the near-infrared range for telecommunications applications such as high-speed 5G networks, biosensors on a chip, and driverless cars. This research area, known as integrated photonics, is fast evolving and investigators are now exploring the shorter—visible—wavelength range to develop a broad variety of emerging applications. These include chip-scale LIDAR (light detection and ranging), AR/VR/MR (augmented/virtual/mixed reality) goggles, holographic displays, quantum information processing chips, and implantable optogenetic probes in the brain.  Source: PHYS.ORG.   New device modulates visible light—without dimming it—with the smallest footprint and lowest power consumption…

Leading the Future of T&M Industry | For the past 75 years, Tektronix has been at the forefront of the world’s greatest technological achievements, accelerating global advancements by empowering today’s leading engineers and engineering students.  Source: PR Newsire.   Leading the Future of T&M Industry…

Bluefors Oy: Introducing KIDE – the New Cryogenic Platform | HELSINKI, Nov. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — We are proud to introduce a new cryogenic platform named KIDE that will play an important role for future research and development of quantum computing. KIDE enables unprecedented expandability and access to meet the requirements of next level quantum computing. KIDE will enable more cooling power and flexibility than any ultra-low temperature measurement system that has come before. In Finnish language, kide means snow crystal and the KIDE cryogenic platform resembles a hexagonal crystal-like geometry.  Source: CISION.   Bluefors Oy: Introducing KIDE – the New Cryogenic Platform…

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