Ozzies Bring the Horizon Closer for Quantum Powered Mobile Technology

Horizon Nears for Quantum Powered Mobile Technology

Archer Materials Limited (“Archer”, ASX:AXE”) has detected quantum information in its unique qubit material using a mobile compatible computer chip. This success marks a significant step in the validation of Archer’s room-temperature 12CQ quantum computing chip and verifies the nearing horizon of quantum powered mobile technology.

Archer’s flagship 12CQ quantum computing chip is centred around a carbon-based qubit material that has the proven potential to enable quantum operation at room-temperature, along with ease of integration onboard mobile devices.

Patents protecting the 12CQ chip have also been granted in Japan, the US, South Korea, and China, and are pending in Australia, Europe, and Hong Kong.

Commenting on the achievement, Archer CEO Dr Mohammad Choucair said: “Archer’s 12CQ chip development is unique as we have the potential to enable quantum-powered mobile devices. Your laptop, your phone, your desktop computer; these could all potentially hold the 12CQ chip. Our ongoing technical validation provides direct proof to support this exciting possibility.

Archer and teams from EPFL, a leading technology research institute based in Switzerland, used a single-chip integrated electron spin resonance (“ESR”) detector based on a high electron mobility transistor (“HEMT”) technology to detect and characterise the as-prepared 12CQ qubit material in a controlled atmosphere at room temperature.

By demonstrating the detection of electron spin quantum states using a single chip ESR detector based on HEMT, the technology paves the way for the implementation of the complex qubit control characteristics required in quantum circuits.

Integrated Single Chip ESR-based HEMT Archer Materials

Image. The integrated single chip ESR detector based on HEMT.

“HEMT technology is well-established and widely used in the semiconductor industry, so its use in the development of qubit control devices is consistent with the Company’s strategy to make the 12CQ chip compatible with modern electronics”, said Dr Mohammad Choucair.

Archer staff will be working to further validate the potential of the 12CQ quantum computing chip, working in world-class international fabrication and lab facilities.

The company, having successfully raised $25 million in late 2021, will be kicking off 2022 with the expansion of technical staff to accelerate quantum technology development towards a commercially viable product.

Archer is one of few companies globally, and the only ASX-listed company, that provides investors an on-market opportunity to invest in quantum computing development. The success of Archer’s room-temperature 12CQ quantum computing chip validates Australia’s significant global standing amongst quantum computing pioneers.

About EPFL

Operationally, working with teams at EPFL allows Archer to take advantage of the time zone difference, and effectively and efficiently address several aspects of the 12CQ chip technology development ‘around the clock..

About Archer

Archer is a technology company developing advanced semiconductor devices, including processor chips that are relevant to quantum computing. Archer is developing the 12CQ chip, a world-first qubit processor technology, that could allow for quantum computing powered mobile devices (‘QPMDs’). For more information, please view Archer’s webinar with IBM.

Media Enquiries

Mr. James Galvin
Marketing and Communications Manager
+61 447 326 540
[email protected]

Source:  Archer Materials, Ltd..  Mr. James Galvin,  Horizon Nears for Quantum Powered Mobile Technology…

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