Multi-University Research Elevates Phononics to Usefulness in Quantum Technologies

Spin-sonics: Acoustic wave gets the electrons spinning Representation of the spin of a nanoscale acoustic wave. (Image Credit: Maximilian Sonner, Institute of Physics at the University of Augsburg) Team of researchers first to demonstrate spin of nano-sonic wave Researchers have detected the rolling movement of a nano-acoustic wave predicted by the famous physicist and Nobel […]

Multi-University Research Elevates Phononics to Usefulness in Quantum Technologies

Spin-sonics: Acoustic wave gets the electrons spinning Representation of the spin of a nanoscale acoustic wave. (Image Credit: Maximilian Sonner, Institute of Physics at the University of Augsburg) Team of researchers first to demonstrate spin of nano-sonic wave Researchers have detected the rolling movement of a nano-acoustic wave predicted by the famous physicist and Nobel […]

Using Sound vice Quantum Computing Environments to Search Big Data

Using Sound vice Quantum Computing Environments to Search Big Data Sound of the future: A new analog to quantum computing Excerpts and salient points ~ +  While quantum computing has been touted as a way to intelligently sort through big data, quantum environments are difficult to create and maintain. Entangled quantum bit states, or qubits, […]

Quantum Bits Entangled Using Sound at Distance with Quality

Quantum Bits Entangled Using Sound at Distance with Quality.  The University of Chicago develops a way to entangle two superconducting qubits with sound vice microwaves.  “A challenge for scientists and engineers as they advance quantum technology is to be able to translate quantum signals from one medium to the other. For example, microwave light is […]

Quantum-level Technology “Talks”

Quantum-level Technology “Talks”  (Press release is found at Argonne National Labs…)  Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have invented an innovative way for different types of quantum technology to ​“talk” to each other using sound. The study, published Feb. 11 in Nature Physics, is an […]

U.S. Army Research Laboratory Chief Scientist Picks Quantum Information

U.S. Army Research Laboratory Chief Scientist Picks Quantum Information.  Of the advances made in technology this year, the ARL’s chief scientist picked quantum information with minimum distortions as #10 “coolest advance”. Reference is found at DVIDS… Related work is at…  

Control of Quantum Dots with Acoustics

Control of Quantum Dots with Acoustics.  Sound waves are being researched to control quantum dots. Essentially, researching an acoustic resonator which focuses acoustics at the nanoscale level is the brunt of the effort. The benefit is in the reduced disruption to the quantum state, rather, the improved coherence tie of the encoded quantum information. This may […]