A Step to Quantum Computers: Ames Researchers Steering Quantum States in Exotic Materials

A Step to Quantum Computers: Ames Researchers Steering Quantum States in Exotic Materials New discovery helps close the gap towards optically-controlled quantum computation “Light wave topological engineering seeks to overcome all of these challenges by driving quantum periodic motion to guide electrons and atoms via new degrees of freedom, i.e., topology, and induce transitions without […]

Silicon of the Quantum Information Age

Silicon of the Quantum Information Age Newfound Superconductor Material Could Be the ‘Silicon of Quantum Computers’ Full release… A potentially useful material for building quantum computers has been unearthed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), whose scientists have found a superconductor that could sidestep one of the primary obstacles standing in the […]

Controlling Superconducting Materials with “Pairing Glue”

Controlling Superconducting Materials with “Pairing Glue” What is the pairing “glue” for electrons in iron-based high-temperature superconductors? Scientists now have more clues. Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Current theories suggest that magnetic fluctuations play a very significant role in determining superconducting properties and even act as a “pairing glue” in iron-based superconductors. “A metal […]

Means to Control Surface Conductivity in 3D Topological Insulator

Means to Control Surface Conductivity in 3D Topological Insulator.  Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory have discovered a means of controlling the surface conductivity of a three-dimensional (3D) topological insulator, a type of material that has potential applications in spintronic devices and quantum computing. 3D topological insulators are emerging materials that hold great […]