There May Be a Zoo of Non-classical Correlations Different than Bell’s

There May Be a Zoo of Non-classical Correlations Different than Bell’s Viewpoint: Quantum Correlations Take a New Shape Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Bell experiments provide perhaps the clearest demonstration of how radically quantum physics departs from classical physics. In such experiments, pairs of quantum particles are prepared in special entangled states and separately […]

First-ever Visual Image of Entangled Photons

First-ever Visual Image of Entangled Photons See the original source, below, for full images of the entangled photons and explanation of how the entangled photons were generated.  Qubit. Scientists unveil the first-ever image of quantum entanglement Excerpts and salient points ~ +  For the first time ever, physicists have managed to take a photo of […]

Quantum Bits Entangled Using Sound at Distance with Quality

Quantum Bits Entangled Using Sound at Distance with Quality.  The University of Chicago develops a way to entangle two superconducting qubits with sound vice microwaves.  “A challenge for scientists and engineers as they advance quantum technology is to be able to translate quantum signals from one medium to the other. For example, microwave light is […]