Some Say Quantum Is Coming, Some Have Doubts

The State of Quantum Computing Read More… +  …The Chinese team used quantum computing to achieve the calculation in a few minutes. +  “[This] is certainly an impressive academic achievement, showing that quantum machinery can in some cases strain the abilities of conventional computers,” said Chris Monroe, co-founder and chief scientist of IonQ, a quantum […]

So which is it?  10 Billion (Hype?) or 100 Trillion (Hype!)

Two reports, same topic, same backstory, two very different headlines.  So which is it?  10 Billion (Hype?) or 100 Trillion (Hype!) or both? (Hype? & Hype!)  You decide.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit China claims it built a quantum computer that’s 10 billion times faster than Google’s +  State researchers in China recently developed a […]

China Claims Quantum Supremacy Albeit Solely Boson Sampling

The new light-based quantum computer Jiuzhang has achieved quantum supremacy Key points… +  A photonic quantum computer, which harnesses particles of light, or photons, performed a calculation that’s impossible for a conventional computer, researchers in China report online December 3 in Science. That milestone, known as quantum supremacy, has been met only once before, in […]

University of Wollongong: Amorphous Alumina, Josephson Junctions, and Bosons

University of Wollongong: Amorphous Alumina, Josephson Junctions, and Bosons Through the nanoscale looking glass: FLEET researchers determine boson peak frequency in ultra-thin alumina In brief… +  Yet surprisingly, many of the fundamental properties of alumina remain unknown owing to the fact it is thermodynamically unstable at the macroscale.+ The UoW /RMIT team overcame this issue […]

Unlocking the Mysteries of Physics With Quantum Computers

Unlocking the Mysteries of Physics With Quantum Computers A New Spin on the Basics Quantum computers offer another look at classic physics concepts “Think what we can do if we teach a quantum computer to do statistical mechanics,” posed Michael McGuigan, a computational scientist with the Computational Science Initiative at the U.S. Department of Energy’s […]

MIT and Google Design System to Verify Accuracy of Complex Quantum Computing Operations

MIT and Google Design System to Verify Accuracy of Complex Quantum Computing Operations How to verify that quantum chips are computing correctly Selected notes ~ +  Full-scale quantum computers will require millions of qubits, which isn’t yet feasible. In the past few years, researchers have started developing “Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum” (NISQ) chips, which contain […]

Jian-Wei Pan Studies Boson Sampling to Achieve Quantum Supremacy

Jian-Wei Pan Studies Boson Sampling to Achieve Quantum Supremacy Quantum Computer Made from Photons Achieves a New Record Excerpts and salient points ~ +  In the race to create a quantum computer that can outperform a classical one, a method using particles of light (photons) has taken a promising step forward. Jian-Wei Pan and Chao-Yang […]

Holding the Universe Together with Quantum Computing Simulation

Holding the Universe Together with Quantum Computing Simulation A group of scientists at the Department of Energy’s Fermilab has figured out how to use quantum computing to simulate the fundamental interactions that hold together our universe. In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, Fermilab researchers fill a conspicuous gap in modeling the subatomic world […]

Attaining Quantum Supremacy, Closer?

University of Queensland researchers concluded an experiment bringing the path to quantum supremacy that much closer. And “The real message of this experiment is to not fear…researchers will have a more complete picture of boson sampling with loss, allowing them to forge new paths to a demonstration of quantum supremacy.”