Brazil Opening Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing Dedicated to the Business Sector

Atos and SENAI CIMATEC launch Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing in Brazil Atos and SENAI CIMATEC, one of Brazil’s leading education, research and innovation institutes, announce Brazil’s first Center of Excellence in Quantum Computing dedicated to the business sector. Located in Salvador, Bahia, the Latin America Quantum Computing Center (LAQCC) aims to promote the […]

Open-Source Quantum Simulation Software Models Multi-Billions of Atomic Orbitals

Open-Source Quantum Simulation Software Models Multi-Billions of Atomic Orbitals KITE code could power new quantum developments Key points… +  A research collaboration led by the University of York’s Department of Physics has created open-source software to assist in the creation of quantum materials which could in turn vastly increase the world’s computing power. +  Throughout […]

Brazil Research Team Advancing Spintronics & Quantum Computing Using Weyl Semi-metals

Brazil Research Team Advancing Spintronics & Quantum Computing Using Weyl Semi-metals Break in temporal symmetry produces molecules that can encode information Full release… In a study published in Scientific Reports, a group of researchers affiliated with São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil describes an important theoretical finding that may contribute to the development of […]