3 Approaches Toward Quantum Computing Reality

Hot Qubits and Goldilocks Ions Read More… +  Due to their sensitivity, hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of qubits are required to produce low-error quantum set-ups that would revolutionize computing. Today, even the most sophisticated systems, such as Google’s Sycamore and IBM’s Raleigh, have just a few tens of qubits. +  Following are three […]

Recap: After Decades of R&D and Billions of Dollars Quantum Computers Do Work

Recap: After Decades of R&D and Billions of Dollars, Quantum Computers Do Work Quantum computing could solve problems we don’t even know we have Excerpts and salient points ~ +  It’s been hailed as a breakthrough on the scale of the Wright brothers’ first motorized airplane flight: a quantum computer that has done a calculation […]

Developing Efficient Quantum Computing Algorithms

Research supported by the U.S. Army Research Office, the U.S. National Science Foundation, and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research is progressing toward efficient quantum circuits (quantum algorithms) with available quantum computing equipment. Availability and expense curtail proliferation of resources to conduct quantum computation. The researchers find it an imperative to optimize quantum algorithms to make best use of the available resources as these are likely to remain in high-demand, low-availability. Read on for details on optimizing these circuits.