Move Over Quantum Computing, Here’s Something Classical That Computes Just Fine

Two physicists, from EPFL and Columbia University, have introduced an approach for simulating the quantum approximate optimization algorithm using a traditional computer. Instead of running the algorithm on advanced quantum processors, the new approach uses a classical machine-learning algorithm that closely mimics the behavior of near-term quantum computers.

Unexpected: Superconductivity and Magnetism by Twisting Layers of Graphene

A new natural platform for realizing flat-band quantum phenomena and topological states Electrons in solids can have only certain energies, called bands. In recent years, it was shown experimentally that the range of energies allowed for electrons can be tuned by twisting two layers of graphene relative to each other. Under appropriate conditions, the range […]

Exploiting Destructive Quantum Interference

Harnessing Quantum Properties to Create Single-Molecule Devices | Columbia Engineering Novel type of quantum interference enables single-molecule switch with high on/off ratio. Researchers, led by Columbia Engineering Professor Latha Venkataraman, report today that they have discovered a new chemical design principle for exploiting destructive quantum interference. They used their approach to create a six-nanometer single-molecule […]

Columbia University Engineers Find Way to Reduce Size, Cost of Quantum Computing Isolators and Circulators

Columbia University Engineers Find Way to Reduce Size, Cost of Quantum Computing Isolators and Circulators “One-Way” Electronic Devices Enter the Mainstream Microphotograph of the Columbia Engineering single-chip circulator with watt-level power handling. (Image Credit: Aravind Nagulu) Waves, whether they are light waves, sound waves, or any other kind, travel in the same manner in forward […]