Physicists Demonstrate Exotic Superconductivity With Possible Implications for Quantum Computing

MIT physicists and colleagues have demonstrated an exotic form of superconductivity in a new material the team synthesized only about a year ago. Although predicted in the 1960s, until now this type of superconductivity has proven difficult to stabilize. Further, the scientists found that the same material can potentially be manipulated to exhibit yet another, equally exotic form of superconductivity.

Is the Optical Fiber Your IT Department Uses the Key to Super-Superconducting Quantum Computers?

Optical Fiber Could Boost Power of Superconducting Quantum Computers NIST physicists measured and controlled a superconducting quantum bit (qubit) using light-conducting fiber (indicated by white arrow) instead of metal electrical cables like the 14 shown here inside a cryostat. By using fiber, researchers could potentially pack a million qubits into a quantum computer rather than […]

Higgs Spectroscopy Research Providing Clarity Into High-Temperature Superconductivity

Higgs Spectroscopy Research Providing Clarity Into High-Temperature Superconductivity New measuring method helps understand physics of high-temperature superconductivity Key points… +  From sustainable energy to quantum computers: high-temperature superconductors have the potential to revolutionize today’s technologies. Despite intensive research, however, we still lack the necessary basic understanding to develop these complex materials for widespread application. “Higgs […]

Silicon of the Quantum Information Age

Silicon of the Quantum Information Age Newfound Superconductor Material Could Be the ‘Silicon of Quantum Computers’ Full release… A potentially useful material for building quantum computers has been unearthed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), whose scientists have found a superconductor that could sidestep one of the primary obstacles standing in the […]

Controlling Superconducting Materials with “Pairing Glue”

Controlling Superconducting Materials with “Pairing Glue” What is the pairing “glue” for electrons in iron-based high-temperature superconductors? Scientists now have more clues. Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Current theories suggest that magnetic fluctuations play a very significant role in determining superconducting properties and even act as a “pairing glue” in iron-based superconductors. “A metal […]