Czech Republic Opens Quantum Security Lab, Plans to Secure National Data

The new laboratory with the so-called quantum communication infrastructure is available to experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of the Brno University of Technology. The laboratory will enable scientists to work on next-generation computer networks that will also be protected from quantum computer attacks, to which the vast majority of current networks, including the Internet, are vulnerable.

ESA: To Space Quantum Key Distribution Must Go

Quantum communication in space moves ahead Keeping information secure in today’s interconnected world is becoming ever more important, so ESA is supporting efforts to ensure that future communications are kept confidential. A new generation of supercomputing power, delivered by quantum computers, is currently being developed that will be almost unimaginably powerful at cracking the most […]

Bridging Classical and Quantum Computers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Bridging Classical and Quantum Computers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Researchers set benchmark to determine achievement of quantum computing The race toward the first practical quantum computer is in full stride. Companies, countries, collaborators, and competitors worldwide are vying for quantum supremacy. Google says it’s already there. But what does that mean? How will the […]

Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution

With attempts to establish cybersecurity in every aspect of our connected world struggling to succeed, quantum computing may arrive before true information security is established.