Enabling Spintronic Computing Through Control of Electromagnetics

Enabling Spintronic Computing Through Control of Electromagnetics New handle for controlling electromagnetic properties could enable spintronic computing In brief… +  Materials scientists at Duke University have shown the first clear example that a material’s transition into a magnet can control instabilities in its crystalline structure that cause it to change from a conductor to an […]

‘The Quantum Information Edge’ Strategic Alliance Launched in the U.S.

‘The Quantum Information Edge’ Strategic Alliance Launched in the U.S. The Quantum Information Edge Launches to Accelerate Quantum Computing R&D for Breakthrough Science A nationwide alliance of national labs, universities, and industry launched today to advance the frontiers of quantum computing systems designed to solve urgent scientific challenges and maintain U.S. leadership in next-generation information […]

Software-Tailored Architecture for Quantum: First QC W/In 5 Years?

The U.S. National Science Foundation awarded $15M for the Software-Tailored Architecture for Quantum (STAQ) project. STAQ aims to deliver the first quantum computer within 5 years. Collaboration involves a number of academic organizations to include Duke University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, University of California-Berkeley, and several others from around the U.S.