Mysterious Quantum Links Could Help Lead To Exponential Scale-up

Machine learning, which now powers speech recognition, computer vision, and more, could prove even more powerful when run on quantum computers. Now scientists find the strange quantum phenomenon known as entanglement, which Einstein dubbed “spooky action at a distance,” might help remove a major potential roadblock to implementing quantum machine learning, a new study finds.

Explainer: What is gravity?

We barely think about it, but gravity defines how we interact with our world. We grow up within its constraints, and our muscles, balance system, heart and blood vessels all depend on it. Gravity literally grounds us — but what exactly is it?

Schrödinger’s Cat Need Not Worry About Gravity

The Fate of Schrödinger’s Cat Probably Isn’t in The Hands of Gravity, Experiment Finds Read More… +  A number of physicists have wondered if good old gravity is responsible for forcing the particle equivalent of a roulette ball to settle into its metaphorical pocket. That’s looking a little less likely in the wake of a […]

Q-CTRL’s Founder Pontificates About Pontificating About Quantum Computing (and Quantum Radar)

Q-CTRL’s Founder Pontificates About Pontificating About Quantum Computing (and Quantum Radar) Some good points in Michael Biercuk’s commentary. However, Albert Einstein’s comment, “Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will get you everywhere”, comes to mind. Though logical, the commentary is far short on imagination. Read it from the source, below. Because Quantum […]

Teleportation is possible if…

Teleportation is possible if… Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world Full release… “Beam me up” is one of the most famous catchphrases from the “Star Trek” series. It’s the command issued when a character wishes to teleport from a remote location back to the Starship Enterprise. While human teleportation currently exists only in […]

Uniting Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity

Uniting Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity New Theory of Everything Unites Quantum Mechanics with Relativity … and Much More Read More… +  One of the goals of modern physics is to determine the underlying rules that govern our reality. Indeed, one of the wonders of the universe is that just a few rules […]

Just How Coordinated is Nature’s Quantum Entanglement?

Just How Coordinated is Nature’s Quantum Entanglement? The answer is probably a bit more complicated, but similar to asking, just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? “The world may never know…” Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. How ‘spooky’ is quantum physics? The answer could be incalculable […]