How to Cope With the Side Effects of Quantum Error Correction

It is well established that quantum error correction can improve the performance of quantum sensors. But new theory work cautions that, unexpectedly, the approach can also give rise to inaccurate and misleading results — and shows how to rectify these shortcomings.

The Quantum Computing Hub Coming to ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute

ETH Zurich and PSI found Quantum Computing Hub ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) establish a joint centre for the development of quantum computers. Its aim is to advance the realization of quantum computers based on both ion traps and superconducting components. ETH Zurich provides 32 million francs for this centre, which will […]

Experiment Success: Twenty Year-Old Protocol Doubles Quantum Bit – Qubit – Lifetime

Experiment Success: Twenty Year-Old Protocol Doubles Quantum Bit – Qubit – Lifetime Quantum error correction achieved using oscillator grid states Selected notes ~ +  A practical implementation of a quantum error correction protocol first proposed back in 2001 has been achieved by physicists in the US and France. The protocol increases the coherence time of […]

How Many-to-Many is Too Many for Many-Body Quantum Systems?

How Many-to-Many is Too Many for Many-Body Quantum Systems? Excellent read for those looking to broaden their knowledge of entanglement. Difficult to capture in a few short notes or excerpts. Recommend the entire piece from the source, below. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Many’s Not Too Many Anymore for Quantum Systems Excerpts and salient points […]

Paving the Way to New Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Devices

Paving the Way to New Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution Devices Applying advantage distillation to device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD) Selected notes ~ +  Currently, several physicists are trying to improve existing DIQKD systems: experimentalists by reducing noise in communicating devices and theorists by developing protocols that are less demanding in terms of noise tolerance. The […]

NIST Hyper-speed Light Switch May Help Realize Quantum Computing with Photons

NIST Hyper-speed Light Switch May Help Realize Quantum Computing with Photons What a Switch! NIST-Led Team Develops Tiny Low-Energy Device to Rapidly Reroute Light in Computer Chips Full release… Artist’s depiction of newly demonstrated nano-opto-electro-mechanical switches as they could be used for future filtering of colors for sensing or communications. In communications, the amount of […]

Mass Producing “Stable and Able” Quantum Bits

Mass Producing “Stable and Able” Quantum Bits. University of Copenhagen researchers realize new platform for future quantum computer. Quantum physics.  University of Copenhagen physicists, as part of the University and Microsoft collaboration focused on topological quantum computing, may have unloosed a Gordian knot in quantum computer development. In partnership with researchers from University of Chicago, […]

Errors in Quantum Computing, Solving the Issue

Errors in Quantum Computing, Solving the Issue Coping with Errors in Quantum Computing.  Quantum Mechanics is one of the revered branches of science, where the subject of study is about subatomic particles. With Quantum Mechanics, we have been able to study how very small particles in the world, in the range of atoms, electrons, and […]

Maintaining Quantum Information Through Error Reduction

Maintaining Quantum Information Through Error Reduction.  Brining ions back into line to maintain their quantum information has been accomplished by physicists at ETH Zurich.  Quantum computing computation and quantum metrology stand to gain.  This report found at…