How Quantum Computers Work; Simplified

How Quantum Computers Work; Simplified The high-stakes race to make quantum computers work – Chiara Decaroli Video ~ +  Quantum computers could, one day, outperform, classical computers. These wonders rely on quantum states which are incredibly fragile.  Two questions: How do quantum computers work?  And, are they “for real”? Get to know the unique properties […]

#2 in Cloud Trends…Quantum Computing

#2 in Cloud Trends…Quantum Computing.  Much in the way of business benefits come with cloud computing.  For 2019, quantum computing ranks #20. Found at Entrepreneur India…  

Internet of Things and Quantum Cryptography

Internet of Things and Quantum Cryptography.  The Internet of Things is driving the fourth industrial revolution; how might quantum cryptography benefit the IoT?   Report is found at…

2018 International Electron Devices Meeting December 1-5, 2018

  2018 International Electron Devices Meeting December 1-5, 2018.  Quantum devices, nano-devices, semi-conduting qubits.  This conference is speaking to “small” technology that is having “big” changes. Program and conference site is found here… Quantum Underlies Everything.

Basic Quantum Computing Discussion

Basic Quantum Computing Discussion.  New to quantum computing?  Curious what it is all about?  Here’s some questions and some answers… Discussion is found at EMN…

Quantum for Business Conference

Quantum for Business Conference.  Exploring quantum computing use cases in optimization, chemistry simulation, machine learning, and cryptography.  Q2B 2nd annual conference starts in one week. Conference site…  

IBM’s Hybrid Cloud Sr. V-P Discusses QC.

IBM’s Hybrid Cloud Sr. V-P Discusses QC.  Delivering a quantum leap in problem solving is hot-science at IBM Research. Reference is found at THE HINDU BUSINESSLINE…  

Israeli Startup Raises $5.5M

  Iraeli Startup Raises $5.5M.  With 5.5M USD and some hope, Quantum Machines Co., the startup in Tel Aviv, hopes to build a “complete quantum stack”. Reference is found at RECENTLYHEARD…