Financial Firms Seek Edge in Algorithms Inspired by Quantum Computing

Applications of quantum-inspired optimization problems can yield solutions anywhere from 1% to 10% more accurate than existing approaches and can come to solutions anywhere from two to three times as fast, according to Troels Steenstrup, technology head of KPMG’s Global Quantum Hub.

Goldman Sachs, QC Ware and IonQ Demonstrate Quantum Algorithms Proof-of-Concept That Will Revolutionize Financial Services, Other Industries

Goldman Sachs, QC Ware and IonQ Demonstrate Quantum Algorithms Proof-of-Concept That Will Revolutionize Financial Services, Other Industries Goldman Sachs, QC Ware and IonQ, Inc. (“IonQ”) today announced a significant step forward in the real-world application of quantum computing for the financial services industry. Specifically, a new research paper shows how IonQ’s quantum computers are now powerful enough […]

Smashing Through the Encryption Algorithms… Is Your Organization Prepared?

Quantum computing is proving to be enormously exciting for financial institutions. Already, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Börse are exploring quantum algorithms to calculate risk model simulations 1,000 times faster than currently possible, while BBVA is looking to quantum to optimise investment portfolio management.

What are the Banks Doing to Protect America Against the Looming Quantum Threat?

The is a must read for anyone involved with cybersecurity at the organizational level. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit Getting The Big Banks To Confront The Quantum Challenge Read More… +  [I]t’s time to propose that the banks join together to create a Quantum Task Force made up of the country’s largest financial institutions, to […]

Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations Coming to Market Thanks to Joint Effort

Goldman Sachs and QC Ware Collaboration Brings New Way to Price Risky Assets within Reach of Quantum Computers Marking a significant step in the roadmap for quantum advantage for financial applications, Goldman Sachs and QC Ware researchers have designed new, robust quantum algorithms that outperform state-of-the-art classical algorithms for Monte Carlo simulations and can be used on […]

Reducing Resource Requirements of Derivative Pricing Using Quantum Computers

Well worth the read from the source, below.  Because Quantum is Coming.  Qubit Goldman Sachs, IBM researchers estimate quantum advantage for derivative pricing Read More… +  The financial services industry is full of potential applications for quantum computing, including optimization, simulation and machine learning. But it’s not that easy to determine which applications are most […]

QC Ware Teams up with Total to Advance Energy Resource Optimization

QC Ware Teams up with Total to Advance Energy Resource Optimization QC Ware today announced a joint research collaboration with Total, one of world’s largest energy companies, to explore quantum optimization algorithms. QC Ware’s quantum engineers and Total’s researchers worked together on a project focused on quantum computing’s potential to model continuous variables to run optimization use […]