A Quantum Winter: Collapsing Under the Weight of Expectation

A Quantum Winter: Collapsing Under the Weight of Expectation This essay covers the recent history of quantum physics as applied to quantum computing in the international arena. The discussion raises some pertinent questions over the U.S., China, and Japan’s use of the technology. Further, it makes no qualms to point out quantum computing is not […]

Examination of Chinese Business and Quantum Information Science

Examination of Chinese Business and Quantum Information Science Though getting access to the full piece requires “Premium Access”, we felt it worth the effort to run some key points. For those conducting research, you may find the points useful.  Qubit. The Chinese BATX in the Race to Quantum Computing: from Research to Venture Capital through […]

Condi Rice: China’s Quantum Ambitions Derailed the Train

Condi Rice: China’s Ambitions Quantum Derailed the Train Condoleezza Rice: China hurt itself by saying it wanted to dominate the tech world Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Shortly after President Donald Trump on May 15 declared a national emergency over threats against American technology, the Commerce Department, effectively, blacklisted Huawei from conducting business with […]

Huawei Presents HiQ Cloud Service

  Huawei Presents HiQ Cloud Service.  Looking to promote quantum computing breakthroughs via academia and industrial sector partners, Huawei has opened its HiQ quantum cloud computing environment.  The environment permits a simulated quantum computer for up to 42 qubits at maximum computing capacity.  Its environment integrates with ProjectQ, “an open-source software framework for quantum computing […]