Quantum Clocks + Entanglement + Tweezers + Atoms = ?

Quantum Clocks + Entanglement + Tweezers + Atoms = ? JILA’s novel atomic clock design offers ‘tweezer’ control Excerpts and salient points ~ +  JILA physicists have demonstrated a novel atomic clock design that combines near-continuous operation with strong signals and high stability, features not previously found together in a single type of next-generation atomic […]

60 Carbon Atoms Contain an Entire Quantum Computer

60 Carbon Atoms Contain an Entire Quantum Computer; or so might one think, if fully understanding and controlling the buckminsterfullerene were to come to fruition.  The most symmetric molecule known, the “buckyball” is both small enough to observe quantum mechanical principles and large enough to be considered a “huge system.”  Just how huge is this […]