€615M Over 7 Years, Now That’s Commitment

The Qubit Report rarely runs pieces more than once. However, the Netherland’s government has invested a substantial sum into quantum computing. We felt it was worth mentioning from a different author’s angle. Best read from the source. Link is below. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit The Netherlands made a huge bet on quantum computing — […]

Honeywell Claims Release of World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer by Mid-2020

Honeywell Claims Release of World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer by Mid-2020 Behind the Scenes of a Major Quantum Breakthrough It’s almost time. By the middle of 2020, we’re releasing the most powerful quantum computer yet. Thanks to a breakthrough in technology, we’re on track to release a quantum computer with a quantum volume of at […]

JP Morgan Chase Reels in IBM Quantum Computing Patent Master

JP Morgan Chase Reels in IBM Quantum Computing Patent Master JP Morgan Chase poaches an IBM ‘Master Inventor’ with 26 patents for quantum computing Key points… +  J.P. Morgan Chase has hired a veteran IBM researcher to lead a new group working on emerging technologies including quantum computing. J.P. Morgan’s latest high-profile hire shows that […]

Wells Fargo’s Charge Into Quantum Computing

Wells Fargo’s Charge Into Quantum Computing Behind Wells Fargo’s foray into quantum computing Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Wells Fargo’s relatively new technology chief, Saul Van Beurden, is leading the company into quantum computing. +  He recently led the bank to sign an agreement with IBM and MIT to collaborate on quantum computing and […]

Barclays, JP Morgan Chase; Barking at and Chasing Quantum Computing for the Financial Leap Ahead

Barclays, JP Morgan Chase; Barking at and Chasing Quantum Computing for the Financial Leap Ahead.  Numerous aspects to quantum computing’s presumed sooner-than-later arrival on the financial services computing scene are discussed in this thorough read.  Qubit. Quantum on the money: fintech is banking on the future of computing. The financial services sector thinks quantum computing […]