Crucial Leap in Error Mitigation for Quantum Computers

Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) demonstrated that an experimental method known as randomized compiling (RC) can dramatically reduce error rates in quantum algorithms and lead to more accurate and stable quantum computations. No longer just a theoretical concept for quantum computing, the multidisciplinary team’s breakthrough experimental results are published in Physical Review X.

Raising the Bar in Error Characterization for Qutrit-Based Quantum Computing

Raising the Bar in Error Characterization for Qutrit-Based Quantum Computing Berkeley Lab researchers demonstrate randomized benchmarking protocols on qutrit processors Quantum processor unit (Credit: Berkeley Lab and Bleximo Corp) A team of experimental physicists at the Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) demonstrated an error characterization method—randomized benchmarking (RB)—on a superconducting qutrit […]

U.S. Taxpayers Supply $2.7M to Dartmouth Engineering in the Name of Qubit Database Development

Funded by a new $2.7 million grant from the US Department of Energy (DOE), Dartmouth Engineering Professor Geoffroy Hautier will lead a three-year, multi-institutional effort to identify qbits, a basic unit of quantum information, in order to transform and advance quantum computing. The team aims to build a database of viable qbits, which can store information in their spin, by analyzing defects in solids.

U.S. Taxpayers Supply $2.7M to Dartmouth Engineering in the Name of Qubit Database Development

Funded by a new $2.7 million grant from the US Department of Energy (DOE), Dartmouth Engineering Professor Geoffroy Hautier will lead a three-year, multi-institutional effort to identify qbits, a basic unit of quantum information, in order to transform and advance quantum computing. The team aims to build a database of viable qbits, which can store information in their spin, by analyzing defects in solids.

U.S. Women of Quantum Computing Go Big

In the Computational Chemistry, Materials, and Climate (CCMC) Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), the future of quantum information science is being driven in part by a group of women scientists who see that future — and theirs along with it — as quite bright. Early in their careers and coming from a variety of academic fields, these women comprise more than half of the postdoctoral researchers in the group, a rarity in computing science. But if they have their way, gender parity in their field won’t be an oddity much longer.

U.S. Quantum Information Science Centers Already Producing Research Results

Quantum material’s subtle spin behavior proves theoretical predictions Spin chains in a quantum system undergo a collective twisting motion as the result of quasiparticles clustering together. Demonstrating this KPZ dynamics concept are pairs of neighboring spins, shown in red, pointing upward in contrast to their peers, in blue, which alternate directions. (Image Credit: Michelle Lehman/ORNL, […]

Home on the Range: University of Wyoming Takes a Whack at Majorana Particles

Home on the Range: University of Wyoming Takes a Whack at Majorana Particles Two UW Faculty Members Receive DOE Grants to Research Alloys, Quantum Computer Materials Key points… +  Dilpuneet Singh Aidhy is studying high entropy alloys that are potential materials for large structural applications, while Jifa Tian is researching a solution to create materials […]

Spinning Tunes or Tuning Spins, UC Berkeley Studies Antiferromagnets for Reduced-Size Computing Devices

Spinning Tunes or Tuning Spins, UC Berkeley Studies Antiferromagnets for Reduced-Size Computing Devices Fine-Tuning Magnetic Spin for Faster, Smaller Memory Devices Image:  An exotic magnetic device developed by researchers at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley could further miniaturize computing devices and personal electronics without loss of performance. Scale bar shown above is 10 micrometers (10 […]

‘The Quantum Information Edge’ Strategic Alliance Launched in the U.S.

‘The Quantum Information Edge’ Strategic Alliance Launched in the U.S. The Quantum Information Edge Launches to Accelerate Quantum Computing R&D for Breakthrough Science A nationwide alliance of national labs, universities, and industry launched today to advance the frontiers of quantum computing systems designed to solve urgent scientific challenges and maintain U.S. leadership in next-generation information […]

Material Discovery: Topological Materials Applied to Quantum Computing.

Material Discovery: Topological Materials Applied to Quantum Computing. U.S. Department of Energy, Berkeley National Laboratory.  The realization of so-called topological materials — which exhibit exotic, defect-resistant properties and are expected to have applications in electronics, optics, quantum computing, and other fields — has opened up a new realm in materials discovery. Several of the hotly […]