Robot’s Learning Time Significantly Sped-Up Thanks to Quantum Computing

Robots Learn Faster with Quantum Technology Read More… +  “We have shown, for the first time, a learning task — or more precisely a reinforcement learning technique — that exploits the advantages of quantum technology for the machine or robot that learns a task, and for the communication with the environment that provides the feedback […]

If Your Quantum Computer is Imperfect, Try a Classical System to Simulate It

Imperfections Lower the Simulation Cost of Quantum Computers Read More… +  With a few quantum bits, an ideal quantum computer can process vast amounts of information in a coordinated way, making it significantly more powerful than a classical counterpart. This predicted power increase will be great for users but is bad for physicists trying to […]

Method to 3D-Print Superconducting Quantum Interferometry Devices in Minutes Developed

Leiden Physicists invent printable superconducting devices +  Fabricating superconducting devices on a computer chip is a multi-step and demanding procedure, requiring dedicated facilities’, says Kaveh Lahabi, a physicist at Leiden Universty,’It usually takes days to complete’. Lahabi and co-authors have developed a new approach, in which Josephson junctions, essential parts of SQUIDS, can be printed […]

Detecting Electrons from a Long Distance: 100+ Nanometers

Detecting Electrons from a Long Distance: 100+ Nanometers.  A team of physicists at Leiden University in the Netherlands has detected a single electron, using a single molecule, with enough sensitivity to detect an electron from “hundreds of nanometers” apart. Physicists have been able to manipulate single electrons; but, they can only see them as part […]