Optical Processors Light the Path to Warp-Factor Computing

Data has been sent across wide-area networks as light pulses for decades, but optical (or photonic) computing has been slow to meet the challenges of moving data in the form of light at the processor level: photons have proved profoundly trickier to traffic than electrons. And while conventional data processing continued to get faster year-after-year, there seemed scant incentive for technologists to crack the optical conundrum.

QuiX & PHIX Pair Up to Expand Photonic Quantum Computing Technologies

Qmode project with QuiX QuiX and PHIX started a collaboration in the project Qmode to overcome the packaging challenges of connecting large-scale quantum photonic processors to the outside world. Within the Qmode project, QuiX and PHIX work together to connect a large quantum photonic processor of 50 input/output modes to the outside world. This involves more than […]

Scientists Mesh Photon Entanglement, Fiber Optics, and Qubits in Step Towards Quantum Network

When memory qubits and photons get entangled Encrypting data in a way that ensures secure communication is an ever-growing challenge because crucial components of today’s encryption systems cannot withstand future quantum computers. Researchers around the world are therefore working on technologies for novel encryption methods that are also based on quantum effects. The phenomenon of […]

Columbia Engineering Pushes Forth In Many Quantum Directions With New Twistoptics Studies

Twistoptics—A New Way to Control Optical Nonlinearity Two slabs of boron nitride crystals are dynamically twisted with respect to each other. At certain angles, the incoming laser light (orange beam) can be efficiently converted to higher energy light (pink beam), as a result of micromechanical symmetry breaking.    Nonlinear optics, a study of how light […]