Quantum Information Sciences Support U.S. Clean Energy Research

PNNL Energy Sciences Center Will Help Realize Clean Energy Future An artist rendering shows how the Energy Sciences Center will look after construction is complete late this fall.(Render courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) A new research facility on the Richland campus of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is set to open fall 2021. The […]

U.S. PNNL and Microsoft Quantum Collaborating on Quantum Circuit Links to Supercomputers

A bridge to the quantum revolution When reliable qubit-based calculating devices arrive on the computing scene, they will not stand alone. They will need to cooperate with current scientific computing resources to reach their fullest potential. Now, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) computer scientists and the Microsoft Quantum team have taken a major step in that […]

Are Cosmic Rays Why Your Quantum Computer “Don’t Work”?

Cosmic rays may soon stymie quantum computing Key points… +  But researchers at MIT, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have found that a qubit’s performance will soon hit a wall. [T]he team reports that the low-level, otherwise harmless background radiation that is emitted by trace elements in concrete walls and incoming […]

Drawing From Minecraft Experiences to Program Quantum Computing Algorithms

Drawing From Minecraft Experiences to Program Quantum Computing Algorithms The Quantum Gate Hack – Applying Ideas From Gaming Hacks to Quantum Computing +  Everyone working on quantum computers knows the devices are error prone. The basic unit of quantum programming – the quantum gate – fails about once every hundred operations. And that error rate […]

Bridging Classical and Quantum Computers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Bridging Classical and Quantum Computers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Researchers set benchmark to determine achievement of quantum computing The race toward the first practical quantum computer is in full stride. Companies, countries, collaborators, and competitors worldwide are vying for quantum supremacy. Google says it’s already there. But what does that mean? How will the […]

Focusing on the Quantum Sandwich: Northwest Quantum Nexus Formally Announced

Focusing on the Quantum Sandwich: Northwest Quantum Nexus Formally Announced.  Sustainability, materials science, better batteries.  These are a taste of the applications the Northwest Quantum Nexus looks to explore. With counterparts in Chicago, Harvard, and California, the Northwest Quantum Nexus was unveiled March 18, 2019.  Led by Microsoft Quantum, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the […]