Orquestra, Pennylane, Xanadu, Zapata: The New Plugin

Pennylane-Orquesta Integration Read More… +  With the new Pennylane release, we thought it would be a great time to highlight an interesting project coming out of Xanadu that’s related to Orquestra: the PennyLane-Orquestra Plugin. Depending on needs, you can call Pennylane from Orquestra or now call Orquestra from Pennylane (or do both for extra credit! […]

Xanadu’s PennyLane Brings Quantum Machine Learning to Customers with Amazon Braket

Xanadu is working with Amazon Web Services to deliver an integrated programming framework for variational quantum computing PennyLane, Xanadu’s open-source software for differentiable quantum computing is now integrated with Amazon Braket, a fully managed quantum computing service from Amazon Web Services (AWS). Customers using Amazon Braket can take advantage of PennyLane to accelerate the development […]

World First: Cloud-Based Photonic Quantum Computer

World First: Cloud-Based Photonic Quantum Computer Xanadu Releases World’s First Photonic Quantum Computer in the Cloud Xanadu Quantum Cloud offers access to 8 and 12 qubit processors using photonics, the most viable path to large scale fault tolerance Xanadu, the leader in photonic quantum computing, announced today [September 2, 2020] the release of the world’s […]

Baidu Announces Paddle Quantum, Claims Paddle Quantum and PaddlePaddle ‘Decomplicates’ QAOA by 50%

Baidu Announces Paddle Quantum, Claims Paddle Quantum and PaddlePaddle ‘Decomplicates’ QAOA by 50% Introducing Paddle Quantum: How Baidu’s Deep Learning Platform PaddlePaddle Empowers Quantum Computing Excerpts from announcement… +  The idea of synergizing quantum mechanics with computation theory – two of the most fundamental scientific breakthroughs throughout human history that barely intersect at any point […]

DARPA Awards Quantum Machine Learning Contract; Xanadu’s PennyLane is Key

DARPA Awards Quantum Machine Learning Contract; Xanadu’s PennyLane is Key Xanadu awarded DARPA grant to further advance quantum machine learning Full release ~ PennyLane, the company’s cross-platform software for quantum machine learning, will be central to the team’s work. TORONTO, Nov. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ – Xanadu, a full-stack quantum computing and advanced AI company developing […]

Hardware-agnostic Quantum Computer Software

Hardware-agnostic Quantum Computer Software.  Xanadu corporation has developed hardware-agnostic quantum computer software dedicated to machine learning.  Currently available systems utilizing qubits and photonic methods to enable quantum computation have built-in support with the package, dubbed PennyLane.  PennyLane’s Key Points and Features: Scalability inherent in its design Implements the Backpropagation algorithm; key for training deep learning […]