Purdue University Pushes Forward With Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit”

Purdue University Pushes Forward With Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit” ‘Poor man’s qubit’ can solve quantum problems without going quantum Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Engineers at Purdue University and Tohoku University in Japan have built the first hardware to demonstrate how the fundamental units of what would be a probabilistic computer – […]

Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit”

Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit” We here at The Qubit Report will always love and hold dear our Q-bits; even if P-bits take over. Because Quantum is Coming. Qubit. Interdisciplinary research pushes science in new directions Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Probabilistic bits, commonly known as p-bits, are a new conceptual intermediate between […]