Purdue University Scientists Taking a Quantum Walk at Room Temperature Vice 20 mili-Kelvins

Purdue University Scientists Taking a Quantum Walk at Room Temperature Vice 20 mili-Kelvins ‘Quantum rainbow’ — photons of switching colors allow room-temperature quantum computing +  A new quantum random walk technique developed by engineers at Purdue University could eventually allow computers to search through data at speeds beyond that of conventional computers. “The point is […]

Teleportation is possible if…

Teleportation is possible if… Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world Full release… “Beam me up” is one of the most famous catchphrases from the “Star Trek” series. It’s the command issued when a character wishes to teleport from a remote location back to the Starship Enterprise. While human teleportation currently exists only in […]

Teleportation Between Electrons? University Research Suggests So

Teleportation Between Electrons? University Research Suggests So Is teleportation possible? Yes, in the quantum world Key points… +  Quantum teleportation is a demonstration of what Albert Einstein famously called “spooky action at a distance”—also known as quantum entanglement. In entanglement—one of the basic of concepts of quantum physics—the properties of one particle affect the properties […]

Purdue University Pushes Forward With Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit”

Purdue University Pushes Forward With Probabilistic Bits, P-bits; “Poor Man’s Q-bit” ‘Poor man’s qubit’ can solve quantum problems without going quantum Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Engineers at Purdue University and Tohoku University in Japan have built the first hardware to demonstrate how the fundamental units of what would be a probabilistic computer – […]

Influences of Electrical Conductivity on Topological Properties of Light Inside Atomic Matter

Influences of Electrical Conductivity on Topological Properties of Light Inside Atomic Matter Researchers propose new topological phase of atomic matter hosting ‘photonic skyrmions’ In brief… +  The field of topology or the study of how surfaces behave in different dimensions has profoundly influenced the current understanding of matter. The prime example is the topological insulator, […]

Qudits Beat Out Qubits with New Quantum Gate Research

Qudits Beat Out Qubits with New Quantum Gate Research Researchers build transistor-like gate for quantum information processing – with qudits Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Purdue University researchers are among the first to build a gate – what could be a quantum version of a transistor, used in today’s computers for processing information – […]

Purdue University Collaboration to Advance Quantum Machine Learning

Purdue University Collaboration Advance Quantum Machine Learning Discovery Park to host International Quantum Machine Learning and Data Analytics Workshop Excerpts and salient points ~ +  With the rapid development of quantum computers, a number of quantum algorithms have been developed and tested on both superconducting qubits-based machines and ion trap hardware. Quantum machine learning is […]

Mass Producing “Stable and Able” Quantum Bits

Mass Producing “Stable and Able” Quantum Bits. University of Copenhagen researchers realize new platform for future quantum computer. Quantum physics.  University of Copenhagen physicists, as part of the University and Microsoft collaboration focused on topological quantum computing, may have unloosed a Gordian knot in quantum computer development. In partnership with researchers from University of Chicago, […]

Size Matters When Exchanging Quantum Information

  Quantum Physics.  Niehls Bohr Institute:  At the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, researchers have realized the swap of electron spins between distant quantum dots.  The discovery brings us a step closer to future applications of quantum information, as the tiny dots have to leave enough room on the microchip for delicate control electrodes.  […]

Creating Tough and Resistant, Topological Qubits

Creating Tough and Resistant, Topological Qubits.  Arguably, the topological qubit is considered the best quantum bit for maintaining given quantum information and is key to quantum computing moving ahead.  Scientists at Purdue University believe they have developed a new research tool capable of probing interference of ‘quasiparticles’.  These particles are borne of interaction of fundamental […]