Country Emerging as a Talent Hub for Quantum Computing

[India is] witnessing a growing interest in quantum computing with active participation (amongst the highest) from students, developers, and academia in various initiatives like the IBM Quantum Challenge, IBM Quantum Summer School, Qiskit Challenge-India.

Country Emerging as a Talent Hub for Quantum Computing

[India is] witnessing a growing interest in quantum computing with active participation (amongst the highest) from students, developers, and academia in various initiatives like the IBM Quantum Challenge, IBM Quantum Summer School, Qiskit Challenge-India…

Big Blue Plans to Deliver 4,000+ Qubit System

IBM’s work to usher in an era of practical quantum computing will leverage three pillars: robust and scalable quantum hardware; cutting-edge quantum software to orchestrate and enable accessible and powerful quantum programs; and a broad global ecosystem of quantum-ready organizations and communities.

Measuring Your Quantum Computer’s Scale, Quality, and Speed IBM’s Way

Driving quantum performance: more qubits, higher Quantum Volume, and now a proper measure of speed Today, we propose a quantum metric we call Circuit Layer Operations Per Second, or CLOPS. Summary Quality, Speed, and Scale: three key attributes to measure the performance of near-term quantum computers In this arXiv pre-print, we prescribe a procedure for […]

Decentralizing Europe’s Energy Infrastructure Gets a Quantum Computing Boost

E.ON allies with IBM Quantum to Advance Energy Transition Goals IBM and E.ON aim to drive the transformation of the energy industry with Quantum Computing. E.ON is now the first utilities company in Europe to work with IBM Quantum to implement quantum solutions for their critical workflow. The goal is to explore the potential of […]

Suez Canal Incident Intensifies Route Optimization Needs, Quantum Computing Eyed as Solution

Could Quantum Computing Solve Maritime Complexities? Read More… +  Shipping route optimization is a difficult challenge to solve because of the need must account for several real-world variables that each have multiple solutions like the capacity of each ship, scheduling and finding the best route to minimize distance travelled. And the recent Suez Canal incident has […]